Actually nope, I was wrong, it was Chia Karaoke who was passing
out the stickers. My memory's kinda fuzzy lol.
"Dayna" <***> wrote in message news:dh8wg.133231$***
Hey Brad,
Yipp, I remember! Kilo Bale from FLIPP came out and was handing out FLIPP
stickers, too. They were the best opening act I have ever seen!!!! I loved them,
especially Cherry Forever. He's no longer with them tho. :-(
Thanks for the kind words! It's been a great journey so far! :-)
I'll be sure to say hi to Maur from you!!
"ctrick99" <***> wrote in message news:wKXvg.2492$***@fed1read08...
Congrats on the surgery and weight loss. You look great! Say high to Maureen....remember when Tony and I met up with you two while we were waiting outside the Madison in Peoria?
Post by DaynaI'm still here! A lot has changed in my life since
y'all last saw me at one or the other Trickfests
or shows.........
Good for you D.. Keep it up.
Thanks Jeff! :-) In addition to surgery, it was a total
lifestyle change - which I willingly did. I am following
through on all the things I have to do, and I would do the surgery
again in a HEARTBEAT. Best thing I ever did for myself, and there
are so many things I can do now that I couldn't before. Life is good.
No....... life is GREAT!!!!! :-)
I'm heading to Australia in August to see my friend Maureen, a bunch
of you met her at Trickfest 2 --- also will be seeing Juli, who attended
Trickfest 3.
and my NOLA animal rescue site: