the first few listens didn't do a whole lot for me. then it started
growing on me once i paid a little more attention. i think it was
because a few of the early tracks aren't my faves, so it was hard to
keep my interest the first few times.
most all the songs are uptempo which is an improvement just because
special one had too many mid-tempoed songs. i don't think this is as
good as CT '97, however.
anyone notice how much on the short side the songs are? they average 3
and a half minutes, if that, for whatever that's worth. also, i would
like to have seen them work with a decent producer instead of
self-producing. i think an outside set of ears always helps.
the first few times i listened it seemed like robin's vocal could have
been bumped up a little at certain times- like rick turned up his guitar
a bit too much, like he sometimes does live onstage but listening now,
i'm not noticing it as much. bun e. seems to have a lack of his
signature snare fills. i'm hardly noticing him on this album, which
kinda sucks.
1- welcome to the world
don't really like it. a little too la-de-da. reminds me a bit of "they
say it's your birthday" or whatever the exact beatles song title is
(birthday?) but not as happening. sounds like it belongs in disney world
or something (a more rocking "it's a small world afterall"?). not a good
start to an album, imo. sounds like a throwaway. thankfully, only 2
minutes long.
2- perfect stranger
kinda catchy after awhile but it does sound a little bit like they had
help from a hit songwriter, which they did (linda perry). it doesn't
sound totally 'cheap trick' but good enough.
3- if it takes a lifetime
sounds like cheap trick. but more from the later 80's or early 90's,
imo. pretty good but i don't think i like this one *quite* as much as
some others have stated. still, definitely one of the better tracks.
4- come on, come on, come on
not bad but i think the hook gets a little grating. and repetitive.
stronger hook would have made a better song.
5- oh claire
slower tempoed but one of my faves. nah, it is my fave track. liked this
one right off the bat. i like how robin sings this in a higher register.
sounds really sweet. weren't they playing this one live for awhile? the
"just between the 2 of us" part sounds very familiar. anyway, imo, the
album starts to pick up and get stronger starting with this track.
6- not sure of the title- the cd case is out in the car
solid track. sounds like classic cheap trick. nice song, good flow. for
some reason i could see this used in a commercial. kinda jingle-y and
7- give it away
uptemo rocker. good track. not a chili peppers' cover, however =) rhcp's
give it away might be my all-time fave song.
8- one more day (?)
starts kinda bluesy. i like how they did the back-up vocals, shadowing
robin's vocal in a chirpy near-whisper. kicks in and rocks during the
chorus. good tune.
9- every night, every day(?)
nice tempo- uptempo but not too fast. fluid, smooth. nice track.
10- tame the night(?)
kinda mid-tempo. alright. not bad but not a fave. not sure i like chorus
so much.
11- all those years
mid-tempoed. nice track, kinda catchy but gets a bit repetitive after
12- decaf
starts with a droning riff, moving quickly into a chuggy riff and builds
up tothe chorus. kind of a darker edge to it. good track. reminds me a
little bit of something that might have been on CT '97, i think.
"I am not a tough guy. I'm a tough negotiator. But outside of that, I'm
a patsy."
-Sumner Redstone, CEO of Viacom